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Digital Society Initiative

Broad Interest at the Internal Kick-off of the UZH Digital Society Initiative

42 researchers of the University of Zurich attended the first internal event of the UZH Digital Society Initiative (DSI) and emphasized their willingness for scientific cooperation with questions related to digitalization. The researchers presented their current projects within a "speed dating" framework und expressed their research ideas and wishes for collaboration within the UZH DSI. This input will now be integrated in the further definition and implementation of the Initiative.

11.11.2016 Speed Dating

The disciplinary spectrum was broad: researchers from the scientific-technological area (computer sciences: 7, geoscience: 4, other: 2), life sciences and medicine (5), and humanities and social sciences (political/media science: 4, psychology/sociology: 5, law: 7, economy: 2, other: 7) found their way to the UZH main building. This kind of speed-dating event is planned to take place on a regular basis in order to ensure interdisciplinary networking and matchmaking across all UZH faculties.

The main goal of the "speed dating" is to provide a common ground and meeting place for researchers with related interests and to enable new research cooperations supported by the UZH DSI. The upcoming events of the UZH DSI are aimed to clarify and concretize the details for this kind of UZH-wide matchmaking. The focus of the next event lies on institutional aspects of the DSI and will take place on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.
