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Digital Society Initiative

DSI at the Digital Festival: How does digitalisation affect the media?

With the panel discussion "Media in the Digital Transformation", the DSI brought a much-discussed and relevant topic to the stage at the Digital Festival.

Fake news, social bots and media manipulation: The approximately 100 participants who came to Zurich's Kaufleuten on Friday evening were able to witness in the public discussion round on the subject of "media in the digital transformation" how politics, society, science and the media would like to face the topic in the future. The following were invited to a lively exchange of views: Councilor Pascale Bruderer, Linards Udris (Research Institute for the Public Sphere and Society, UZH), Professor Abraham Bernstein (Department of Informatics, UZH and Director of DSI) and Ladina Heimgartner (Director of RTR).



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Panel discussion

Panel discussion


Festsaal Kaufleuten


Digital Festival