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Digital Society Initiative

3 Questions about the Swiss News Viz Media Lab – project in the «DSI Infrastructures & Labs» series

DSI Infrastructures & Labs are shareable infrastructures or structural vessels for creating collaborative research environments related to digital transformation. Dr. Maud Reveilhac briefly introduces the Swiss News Viz Media Lab, one of the projects in this series.

What is the Swiss News Viz Media Lab?

The Swiss News Viz Media Lab is an infrastructure that aims to provide expert tools, methods, and visualizations for the analysis of textual data, especially for newspapers. It aims to provide a publicly accessible platform for both research and teaching purposes. It also focuses on building robust practices in data curation and integration, as well as documenting and promoting best practices on open data and reproducibility goals in the context of teaching, research and publishing.

What advantage does the infrastructure offer over existing analysis tools?

The novelty of the infrastructure is to give researchers access to a combination of linguistic and statistical features through a single online platform. These features include the use of analytical tools and pipelines for content and statistical analysis, the adaptation of these tools to their own research directly on the platform, as well as the possibility to export findings as reports, visualizations, and databases. The infrastructure thus offers an exploratory and analytical space to conduct media analysis on a database containing Swiss newspaper articles in three languages and covering various societal and political issues.

How will researchers use the Swiss News Viz Media Lab?

The main data source will stem from Swissdox@LiRI which is the largest database of Swiss media texts, and is hosted at LiRI at the University of Zurich. The proposed infrastructure will enable users to analyze past and real-time data on a dedicated platform (rather than on researchers’ own machines), which includes robust tools and pipelines that deal with each aspect of the life cycle of research data. The infrastructure is thus intended to enhance reproducibility of analyses based on Swissdox@LiRI data and meta-data, to promote best practices for teaching and research, as well as to promote data reusability and archiving.

Learn more about the Swiss News Viz Media Lab here.

All projects of the series «DSI Infrastructures & Labs» can be found here.


Dr. Maud Reveilhac has a background in political science, social psychology, and survey research. The integration and complementarity of various data sources for the study of public opinion, as well as the transferability and adaptability of computational (social) research methods, are at the center of her research. She is currently Postdoc at the Department of Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich. She is also involved in research to enhance the reproducibility and replicability of research methods and processes.