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Digital Society Initiative

Advance notice: Rapid Action Call and Call for proposals for ecosystem creation

DIZH will launch two calls at the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester: a Rapid Action Call and a Structure Call. The deadline for submissions for the second DSI Infrastructure & Lab Call has been set for December 1, 2021.


With the call for “Rapid action proposals” of the Innovation Program, the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) supports projects that respond to immediate challenges with measures that can be implemented quickly. The first call for Rapid action proposals has the motto “The Last Mile” and supports projects for which concepts and implementation plans for digital management for societal challenges already exist and which have to travel “the last mile” to a functioning tool, service, or a social impact.



The most extensive funds of the innovation program are used for calls for proposals for ecosystem creation. DIZH supports long-term innovation structures over a period for up to 5 years to create organizational forms that outlast DIZH. Calls for proposals for ecosystem creation are intended to sustainably connect DIZH partner universities both with each other and with the relevant social actors in terms of structure and content, thereby enabling innovations that are difficult to realize through conventional funding instruments.


Further details will be announced here when the calls are published.


DSI Infrastructure & LAB-CALL

We are pleased to inform you that the deadline for submissions for the second DSI Infrastructure & Lab Call has been set to December 1, 2021. At the beginning of September you will find detailed information here including the submission template for the research plan and the budget.
