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Digital Society Initiative

New index for digital participation in politics

The Centre for Democracy Aarau (ZDA), in which the University of Zurich is involved, and the Procivis think tank have launched the Digital Political Participation Index. On a scale of from 0 to 100, the extent to which it is possible to participate digitally in the political process in Swiss cantons is recorded annually. Digital political participation is measured with the help of a total of seven indicators for the three dimensions of opinion-forming, participation and decision-making. The first ranking of the cantons, published in October 2021, shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement. The highest score is achieved by the canton of Geneva with 55 points. 

The project is headed by Prof. Uwe Serdült and Costa Vayenas and is supported by the Mercator Foundation. The aim is to initiate a debate on digital forms of participation in politics and to inform decision-makers about best practices.

More information here.
