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Digital Society Initiative

Big Data ELSI NRP-75

The societal acceptability of big data solutions crucially depends on the proper handling of the ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) those technologies raise.

Consequently, several projects within the National Research Programme (NRP) 75 explicitly deal with ELSI topics, although often from specific perspectives. Furthermore, it is likely that new ethical, legal and social issues will be raised in the course of their research – issues that may not be covered by the existing ELSI projects and where the technology-oriented projects may lack expertise and resources for properly handling those issues.

Finally, the NRP 75 has a distinct need in having access to resources and expertise related to big data with respect to outreach and the dissemination of the results of NRP 75. In order to tackle all these challenges, an ELSI Task Force rooted in Module 2 will offer advice in relation to ELSI to all NRP 75 projects.





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Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)