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Digital Society Initiative

3 Questions about HDR – new project in the «DSI Infrastructures & Labs» series

DSI Infrastructures & Labs are shareable infrastructures or structural vessels for creating collaborative research environments related to digital transformation. Dr. Sebastiano Caprara briefly introduces HDR, one of the latest projects in this series.

What is the Health Data Repository (HDR)?

With the HDR project, we aim to foster collaboration between physicians at Balgrist University Hospital and researchers in the field of medical imaging. We want to provide a secure collaborative framework that aims to capture best practices in AI development for medical imaging and provide a user-friendly interface. The vision of improved reproducibility aims to accelerate the pace of clinical translation.

Who provides the data for the platform?

Initially, the imaging data for this project will come from research datasets collected at Balgrist University Hospital. We are in the process of aligning this project with other initiatives such as the LOOP BMI platform, where data from the University Hospital Zurich will eventually be found.

How does research or even medical practice benefit from the HDR?

Thanks to the software framework, we aim to accelerate the iteration cycle between AI development in medical imaging and clinical use by physicians. One example is the three-dimensional results of image segmentation (so called anatomical digital twins), which can be visualized and corrected by physicians on the same platform. In this way, the corrected data is directly available to researchers and can be used to improve the performance of segmentation models.


You can find more information about HDR here.

All projects of the series «DSI Infrastructures & Labs» can be found here.


Sebastiano Caprara

Dr. Sebastiano Caprara received his PhD degree at the ETH Zurich with focus on machine learning and predictive models providing solutions for preoperative planning of spinal fusion surgery. During his doctoral studies, he worked for a startup company in close collaboration with the Balgrist University Hospital gaining experience in translational research projects. He is currently leading the Health Data Repository project at the Balgrist University Hospital aiming at the development of a flexible digital infrastructure supporting data-driven clinical research.