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Digital Society Initiative

DSI Managing Office: Who is the right contact person for which purpose?

The UZH Digital Society Initiative is constantly growing and growing. We are pleased to announce that nine communities and over 750 people are now part of our network. In order to keep it clear for everyone involved who at the DSI managing office can support with which issues; following are the competencies of our team in a nutshell:

Carmen Romer supports the managing office as a student assistant mainly in the areas of communication, events as well as education.


Gabriele Prohaska takes care of the finances as well as the annual DSI Infrastructures & Labs Call. For questions regarding budget and financial reporting Gabriele is the right contact person.


Markus Christen is the «academic director» and is responsible in particular for the strategic projects of the DSI and the research relevant DIZH activities that affect the DSI. Markus is the contact person for national and international collaborations of the DSI and represents the Directorate in national and international committees. He also designs and implements DSI research projects on behalf of the Directorate.


Nina Cornelius is responsible for the coordination of DSI's educational activities. She is the direct link for students and lecturers in the Digital Studies program as well as for doctoral students in the DSI Excellence Program. At the same time, she acts as an interface for other UZH offices in the field of education.


Pascal Kieffer is the IT coordinator at DSI and responsible for the IT network. Pascal is the right person to answer questions about hardware and software, telephony and IT services.


Simona Cerrato is, as a coordinator,  the first point of contact for questions from the DSI communities. She is also an expert in all HR and accounting processes.


Sophie Zimmermann is a student assistant and part of the project team of the DSI Minor «Digital Skills» in charge of student participation in the conception.


Tobias Huber is responsible for communication and events. Tobias is the right person for questions or ideas on internal and external communication, e.g. web content, social media or newsletters. He also plans and coordinates events, always in close cooperation with the communities.


Ursula Brack is responsible for concept development in the field of education and in this role is part of the project team of the DSI Minor «Digital Skills». At the same time, Ursula is the DSI representative in the P8 project DISK4U of UZH and is also a member of the DIZH Coordination Board Education Support.